Me: an entrepreneur, an investor, a generalist who likes to get his hands dirty, a first principles thinker.

Also: Wannabe Triathlete; Dog-lover; Will watch (nearly) anything on Netflix; Most at-home in water; Gin-tonic is my poison.

Join the 180+ people learning from my course on Personal Financial Planning here.

Professional Background

COVID Mission Oxygen - Learnings / Playbook

Put down some inputs here that may help you as you try do something similar maybe.

COVID Mission Oxygen - Learnings / Playbook


Templates, collections, stuff I've worked on / gathered, that may specifically be useful to you. P.S. If any of this was specifically useful - Buy Me a Beer?


I love D2C businesses, am invested in a few, and am always eager to try products from new brands, and help in any way I can.

I, along with a few others, am building a community of people building D2C brands - D2C Insider. If you're building a D2C brand and want to join, head to: If you're someone who's services / products will be useful for D2C brands, head to:

Good reading material on D2C here.

A while ago I'd put together this map of the Indian landscape of D2C brands. You can check that out here. (Need to update this).

Reading List @ 2020

Content I've Curated

A library of content I've curated over the years. There's a strong action bias to the content I curate, and it is quite skewed to startup-centric themes. This library is a tad dated, but mostly everything selected should be relevant regardless of timestamp. Has over 500 articles / links in it. Enjoy.

Aggy's Picks

Hiring is a ridiculously hard skillset to build, and it's sad how little one actively gets to learn this in most workplaces and careers. This is something I myself have been wanting to get a lot better at - so here is me collating the best pointers I come across, on hiring.

Aggy's Hiring Collection

Buy Me a Coffee?


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<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> OperatorVC


My Writing

Some stuff I wrote.

💵 🎉 🍺 📈 🎯 And other emojis of The Startup Life

What can D2C companies do, during lockdown?

My Clicks

I'm a currently inactive, erstwhile active photographer. I've held a few exhibitions of my work over the years, and have also sold a few prints. Check out some of my work.

If you want to use any image, or would like a print of one for your living room, give me a shout.

The artist in me has been asleep too long - I would love some cheering on in the hope I get back to using that stupidly expensive gear I've collected.

Aggys Clicks

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Cover picture of Hervey (that's his name), by me, @ Havelock Island, circa 2010. Site built using Fruition and Notion. Icons from Super.